Thursday, May 27, 2010

she rolls!

Olivia rolled over for the first time cute!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

it's race season...

Andy is racing on the O2 Cycling Team this means lots of weekends away watching him race.
Last weekend we were in Madison, this weekend Milwaukee...
Andy took 7th and Olivia and I enjoyed the nice weather!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

all smiles...

so cool...


What a big girl!

back to work...

Monday it was my turn to go back to was terrible! Where did the time go?? Olivia was home with daddy Monday through Thursday and went to day care on Friday. She did great, I did not! Hopefully next week is better!
I started my new job at Community Care in Appleton, so far, so good!

Monday, May 10, 2010

one more week...

I go back to work next Monday...sad. Although I am excited about the new job, I am not excited to miss out on Olivia's days. She is changing so much right now and I don't want to miss a minute of it. I can't believe she is almost 12 weeks old already! Where has the time gone...
We sure have been enjoying our days together!

Olivia's Baptism

Olivia was baptized on Saturday at St. John the Baptist Church in Green Bay.
She looked beautiful and was quite the trooper! She tolerated her dress, bonnet and necklace well, didn't cry when the cold water touched her face and she let all the people in church wish her well and poke, prod and coo at her!

Her dress was worn by my mom, me and now Olivia. The cross necklace was also passed down from my mom's grandma. Olivia's great-grandparents (my grandparents) gave her the bonnet, which converts to a handkerchief to be used at her wedding. All this history only made the day more special!