Thursday, August 5, 2010

Chickie Poxies

Olivia has the Chicken Pox (or Chickie Poxies according to Andy...apparently it sounds less severe).
Olivia woke up Monday with a few "spots." We had been on a walk Sunday nite and I just assumed the "spots" were mosquito bites. There were a few more "spots" on Tuesday...again we didn't think anything of it. She had been outside again and Lucy always seems to be bringing mosquitos in the house with her. AND then she woke up Wednesday with "spots" all over herself. I called the MD who suggested we bring her in. I googled the spots (love WebMD!) and knew right away they were the chickie poxies, which Dr. Perry confirmed immediately. He said bring her home, keep her isolated and give her baby tylenol if she seems uncomfortable. He explained that she now does not need the 2 vaccines (which I love, I'm not a fan of loading her full of shots) and a natural immunity was better than the shot could provide anyway. She won't have scars, because she doesn't realize that she can scratch them (although Andy and I might pick just one to scratch for the scar- it seems like a right of passage almost).
Andy and I have both had the pox as kids, so the MD figured we should be fine.
Olivia has been such a trooper...she seems to have no idea that she is covered in little, pink, itchy "spots."

DAY 1 (not so bad)and DAY 2 (much worse). Hopefully DAY 3 isn't so bad!

On a postive note...she is almost sitting up and crawling on her own!

1 comment:

  1. Poor little girl!!!! At least she got 'em young so she can't scratch herself to death...
